When kids start earning money, they understand the value of money. They will learn basic money concepts such as delayed gratification and saving for a rainy day. Having a job means having responsibilities. It teaches kids to be accountable and even handle customers. Note that the minimum age to work in the US is 14.
Ways to earn money as a kid (at any age)
Do odd jobs around the neighborhood
Families need help with laundry, mowing the lawn, or other chores. Ask friends and family if they need help. They are more likely to hire you for your first job.
Sell lemonade
Kids have been setting up lemonade stands and selling lemonade for a long time. Some states require a permit, so check your state requirements before you start your lemonade business.
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Bake sale
If you are good at baking, you can sell your goods to a local store or at a local market. Local laws for baking vary, so check those first before you get started.
Become a tutor
If you are an excellent student, you can teach certain subjects to younger kids. You can look for jobs on bulletin boards. Also, you can post your flyers in schools and libraries and market your tutoring services.
Take surveys
Many survey sites such as Swagbucks and MyPoints allow kids as young as 13 to take paid surveys. The surveys are short and take only a few minutes. You can redeem your rewards for cash or gift cards.
Surveys typically ask for some personal information. Kids should consult their parents before signing up at survey sites.
Pet sitting/dog walking
Families are sometimes too busy to take care of their furry friends. Walking a dog or pet sitting is a fun way for kids to make money. Helping out friends and their families with their pets when they are traveling is a great way to make a few hundred dollars or more per month.
Wash cars
Washing cars is good exercise but will also bring in some cash. You will need to buy basic supplies such as a bucket, soap, and towels. You could wash cars in your driveway or in the customer’s driveway (free water!).
Wash windows
Windows collect dust and dirt over time. Homes have many windows including a few tall ones. You can offer to clean these windows for homeowners and businesses.
Mow lawns
Mowing lawns is a great job for kids. You can borrow your parents’ lawnmowers and mow lawns in your neighborhood. The great thing about this gig is that once you find a customer, you can mow the lawn weekly and generate consistent income.
Create a YouTube channel
Kids are making a ton of money on youtube. To be successful, you have to consistently make videos and promote them. You can make money from advertising and sponsorships. Pick a topic you are passionate about so that you don’t run out of ideas.
Sell your photos
Do you like taking pictures? Whether it’s with your phone or a camera, if you can take pictures, you can sell them on websites such as iStock and Shutterstock for cash.
Organize garage sale
Kids have things they have outgrown. A garage sale is a great way to get rid of these items and get some cash. Kids can hold a garage sale at their house or at a community garage sale. Kids will learn organizational skills by running garage sales.
Take care of town neighbor’s plants
When families travel, they need someone to take care of their plants. You can water their plants while they are out. You can also help them put out trash cans and collect their mail while they are traveling
Recycle ink cartrigdes
Kids can collect empty ink cartridges from friends and family and recycle them at inkrecycling.com and tonerbuyer.com for cash. You won’t make a lot of money recycling but by recycling you are doing the right things for the environment.
Work at your family business
Your kids can help you at your business by answering phones and helping with other tasks. You can assign work based on their age and skills. It’s an excellent way for kids to learn about the business, handle customers, and be accountable for tasks.
Find part-time work at restaurants, movie theatres, and retailers
Fast food restaurants hire teenagers for many roles. Kids could also find jobs at movie theatres and retailers. Businesses need help during holidays, so it’s a great time to look for part-time jobs that you can do after school.
Bottom Line
Kids have many things to gain apart from money when they start working. In the US, you can legally start working at age 14. First jobs for kids usually come from friends and families. Kids can earn money by babysitting, taking care of pets, or working at restaurants. They will learn valuable skills such as saving money and delayed gratification. These skills will set up them for financial success when they become adults.